Hayley Common Board Meeting
March 5, 2020
Called to order: 3:06pm
Present: Brian (Pres), Wayne (VP), Doug (Director), Marc (Treasurer), Lynda (Secretary)
Absent: Gord Macpherson (Northtowne)
Motion: approve minutes from previous mtg – 1st: D, 2nd: B
President’s Report:
Audit Approved previously – no invoice received yet
Property insurance – nothing from Mac, waiting on MIG, Wyatt D won’t quote until 90 days before renewal due
Treasurer’s Report:
1 lien/fine – lien set against property/unit, other fines charged/paid
Higher hydro due to colder weather
No issues with prior month statement – reviewed
Motion to approve: 1st: L, 2nd W
Maintenance Report:
1 garage fan/motor issue, will not be replaced
Door on Bldg G / master key issue, see below)
DB has a key to garage 25 now to assist with landscaping
Spring carpet cleaning (after spring lot sweeping) = some quotes, asking for available dates now and clarification for drying time required, lead times and service times
Canada Post – panel key & master key didn’t work on G today but it worked yesterday – s/b resolved now.
New master keys to be ordered to work in all buildings
Carpet vacuuming – can change & we’ll hire new cleaner, obtain agreement in writing for the service specific, such as price, time estimate per building, per 2 weeks, ask KA to do a demo cleaning.
Broken fence & post will be fixed in spring.
3 landscaping quotes - $1K/mo to $3k+/mo
Painting quotes – in the works
New Business:
MAL (DB) – pay $200/mo to provide additional landscaping and tree/shrub maintenance
Motion: 1st M/2nd L – all in favour
Social media: LJ to connect with RC re: updating website
Garage water issues – concrete drill was used previously to help drain water in garages & driveway – purchase drill for property maintenance
Motion: 1st M/2nd D
Used costs are approx. $500.00 in good condition /may or may not include bits
Tsunami dams – 1 left – need 3 to 5 more but cannot be installed until temp above 15C+ (ordered online before from home depot) – will also review options for adding concrete or asphalt curbs at the lower garage entrances to keep water from going into the garages, but low enough to drive over without entry height issues
Parking Report:
Complaint from one resident re: vehicle parked in their spot – board/property management provide warning
Continuing to manage tags
Old Business:
Dog barking complaints – seems to be addressed, will continue to monitor
Social media – website released & FB remains active – still need to set up mtg with LJ & RC for website updates & access website – plan is to post monthly minutes & financials on the website
Next meeting: Apr8/2020, 3pm – short mtg only, due to covid restrictions
Concluded: 5:18pm
Special Hayley Board Meeting
March 12, 2020
(all Board Members Present @ 3pm)
Coronavirus concerns – ask Gord to send a courtesy reminder /info email to all owners and residents & LJ will post on FB page too.
Garage/Water issues – getting quotes from Focus Design Mar13 (MD) & requesting ideas for cement work/curbs to divert water away from garage entrances