Hayley Common Board Meeting #41 - June 19, 2024
Hayley Common Board Meeting
Wednesday, June 19, 2024
Unit 90, Building 5
Present: Heather (phone), Evan, Ken, Lynda, Lori, Kristine
Called to order at 5:05 pm
Review of Previous Minutes
Motion to approve minutes of May 22, 2024 by Lynda, seconded by Kristine, all in favor.
President/Treasurer’s Report:
Monthly financials - No concerns. Follow up regarding Augerz Fencing invoice was completed and it was correct and the last invoice to be paid. The reserve fund has been corrected and the lump sum completed. Terry will start putting the correct amount in the reserve fund on June 1.
AGM - Audit has been emailed but there were a couple questions. Not all members had a chance to review it so will wait until early July to send feedback to Terry. Heather will speak with Amy regarding booking TC Energy in September.
Interest options - Heather, Lori and Kristine talked with SCU about rates. It was confirmed that we are currently getting the best rates available for our operating account. We don’t pay for cheques (we get one free cheque for every $500 in our account) and only pay $0.65 per e-transfer. No changes will be made to our plans at this time.
Parking & Maintenance Report:
Parking – no concerns.
- The broken light in Building F was fixed but unfortunately it doesn’t match due to unavailability of matching lights. There were issues with it changing color so Evan will follow up with Jeremy.
- The garage parking stall #XX was damaged so the board will be replaced and when the bill is received, will be sent to the owner for payment
- Evan will switch parking spot XXX and visitor parking stall back now that the manhole has been repaired.
- Garage fresh air vents were all cleaned.
- Furnace cleaners are coming next week and lots of owners participated.
- One of the units burnt the stucco with their BBQ being too close. We received a quote for $400 to repair but are waiting for the official quote before notifying the owners.
- Unit XX has the stucco peeling off so it will be added to the stucco list for prioritization in July.
- Sidewalk repair quotes - one received but it wasn’t broken down by area. Still waiting for the second quote.
Old Business:
Painting - interior designer will be contacted in the summer.
3D images - the company lost the data but they have stated they would come and do it again for free and provide us with new images.
Property Management review - deferred.
Manhole - the work was completed.
Freedom Fire - we still haven’t received the report. Lori will follow up.
Stucco Quotes - The stucco work will be done the first couple weeks in July. He will remain within our budget and will let us know in advance which units, so we can email them and let them know. He also requested they post their unit number on the patio door during the repairs so there is no confusion.
Water issues in garage - deferred.
New Business:
New emergency line - website and Facebook have been updated. Discussion about stickers on the posters but Ken volunteered to print and post new posters with the updated numbers.
Next mass email - to include a reminder about BBQs and heaters being kept away from the stucco. and the AGM in the fall.
Manitoba hydro damage - The quote for the damage to the eavestrough was sent and submitted to the crane company. They are to get back to Ken by the end of the week.
Condo Fees for Garages - Discussion about condo fees for garage owners occurred. On hold until more information is defined regarding responsibility.
Landscaping quote - was received and discussion about areas of priority. Was put on hold due to waiting for quotes for sidewalk repairs. Motion made to add landscaping amount to the annual budget and work on parts each year, starting with the worst by Lynda, seconded by Ken, all in favor.
Concluded: 6:19pm
Next Mtg: July and August canceled. A date in August will be scheduled to plan for the AGM.