Hayley Common Board Meeting
Thursday November 16, 2023 5pm
Unit 73, Building E
1. Call to order – Quorum Validated: Evan, Heather, Kristine, Lori, Sarah, Lynda, Linda, Kevin, Ken
2. Review of previous minutes
October minutes will be typed up and put on the website as soon as possible
3. Presidents/treasurer’s Report
Monthly Financials
October financials look fine at first glance, will be reviewed in the coming weeks
Ask Terry about the discrepancy in charges from Manitoba hydro – distinguish
Welcoming new MAL’s/members
Intercom quotes
In discussion with companies to come out and fix the intercoms that are not working
Hoping its just the transformers that are blown so that it can be a cheap quick fix
Radwell in Ontario to possibly be able to fix or maintain them
If complete fix is needed, the owners to vote on it at the next AGM in April
VOTE: To have company come out and assess what is needed - PASSED
Emergency line – emergency line has been activated with NorthTowne
NorthTowne 24/7 no cost increase - What are they going to do? How long is the flood going to continue
Look into an emergency line that calls a call que to go out to multiple people in order to have someone from the line to attend the unit that is flooding to turn off the water
Look at getting a lock box for each building for the ability to turn off the water?
WhatsApp group chat for MAL’s to be created
Will send out email to get everyone’s numbers to add everyone to the group chat for ease of communication
4. Committee Report
No concerns or issues
Notice has been sent out to all owners regarding the heaters in each building
Jeremy is looking at heaters in buildings F – possibility of grounded heaters
Salt has been ordered for each building – waiting for order to come in
Eavestrough people have been putting them back up once they use them
Snow clearing has been going alright
Building G the bulb has been changed three times but the socket seems to not be working, will wait until spring or summer to have this issue addressed. Jeremy will need a ladder at this point to complete this work
5. Old Business
Lighting replacements on outside of buildings
Will look at replacing all lights that need come spring
All lights in storage are halogen, the eave lights are LEDs, need to get come spring
Snow removal notices – who will send this out? Process of this?
Email owners ahead of time to inform them of the new process
New process: Print out page to put up on the front door of each building (laminate it), Facebook will be updated
Add a bucket of sand to besides the garbage cans so that anyone is able to sand in front of the garbage area
6. New business
Terry at NorthTowne to join December 13 5pm meeting – discuss communication concerns
Painting quotes for January
Budget it out through each building to get all interiors repainted (typically 3 quotes)
Pet registration
Considered to be too much of a project for right now, will discuss future options to mitigate the dog owners allowing their dogs to poop on the green space
Rules and Regulations
To be updated in January to see if there’s anything that needs more details or updating including no personal items in the common areas, no personal art or anything on the walls, no holes to be made in the walls in the common space, no garbage to be stored on the patios or the hallways
Shoes in the hallways to be addressed: No shoes in the hallways or by the heaters, no shoes anywhere other than in the alcove outside of the main hallways, note to be sent out regarding this issue