Hayley Common Board Meeting
June 15, 2023 - 5 pm - Garage 16
1) Call to order: Brian, Lori, Lynda, Meaghan, Heather, Evan; Quorum met at 5:12pm
2) Previous minutes review
Motion to approve: Lynda/Evan
3) Presidents Report
a. Use of ‘parking lot’ for off-topic discussion items will be used going forward.
b. Capital work/project list- Glen in unit XX who used to be a long-term planner volunteered to assist with a long-term plan regarding capital projects including: fence, interior painting of common areas, drainage, roofs, window and door re-caulk
c. Intercom/RFD entry
Keyless entry estimates $3230.86 for each panel
Not an immediate need to replace and fix this.
Future email to be sent out to get feedback on the option of one or two intercoms (both entrances to the buildings) and pricing details on one vs. two (per unit) so owner’s can fully consider their direct cost & annual maintenance
Add to the pricing the cost of cabling and phone lines ($80x2) for each
4) Treasurers Report
a. Lori to ask Northtowne to send Manitoba hydro reports and water reports to treasurer to review.
b. Lori to ask Northtowne about the interest for the garage funds and reserve funds.
c. Invoice handling
All invoices will go to the treasurers who will forward them to Northtowne for payment.
Motion for invoice handling by Lynda, seconded by Meaghan. No opposed. Motion passed.
d. Expense purchasing process.
Head of maintenance has a monthly cap of $500/month, anything more must be approved by the board.
Only people with permission to make purchases on the WD account are the president, head of maintenance, and Brad. Property management company will be informed of who to add and remove from the list.
Motion for monthly spending cap given to head of maintenance by Heather, second by Lynda. No opposed. Motion passed.
5) Committee reports
a. Parking
Black VW Beetle was flagged to be towed - no cost to Hayley Common
Various parking rentals occurred this month.
b. Maintenance
Fence boards were fixed and screwed back on
Two garages looked at for mold; has been clean and mold free
Reprogrammed the garage code for one owner
Treasury given cost for handy man work. 13hrs @ $30/hr – Northtowne to pay and handy man has been discontinued.
Future handy repairs will include time cap and additional work order edits
Water in garages had been seen after a large rain fall, owner encouraged to leave garage door open to allow air out and use shop squeegee. No further complaints.
Tree quotes no longer needed. We will go ahead with planting donated lilacs at no cost
Trimming of shrubs to be done after flowers/blooms stop. Evan will coordinate with the company.
Add weeding onto lawn care quote/contract for next year – contact Chris
Pampass grass in common area needs trimmed
Carpet cleaning will be deferred to early September but was approved to be scheduled at this time.
Exterior glass scheduled June 22 & 23
6) Old Business
a. Rules and regulations updates complete and approved by all – will be printed and posted in all the buildings and on the website. Email will be sent out with link to updated rules and regulations.
b. Lighting review
After discussion change in lighting exceeds the budget that we are willing to spend.
c. Fridge and ice machine update
Email will be resent to remind those that all MUST reply regarding whether they have a plastic hose on their fridge.
Necessary braided line is mandatory on connected fridges and added to the rules and regulations.
d. Onside payment
Inform lawyer that we are not going to pay any more than $7500 for settlement.
Motion for max settlement payment to onside by Lynda, second by Heather. No opposed. Motion passed.
7) New Business
a. Pest control quotes
Head of maintenance is going to look at the traps that we already have on site to see if they are usable. If they are we will get poison to place in each trap and place them around building B and C where many of the pests have been seen.
b. Hose quotes – All agreed to purchase 2 new heavy-duty hoses
c. One Jerry can MIA – needs located/replaced
d. Duct cleaning
All agreed that duct cleaning will be up to each individual owner.
e. Storage issue
To combat this concern a new rule will be added to the rules and regulations to ensure owners are not storing their bicycles in the common areas.
f. Soil quotes
Ron Paul quote for 23yrds of soil to address low spots and area around the garbage cans $740.25.
Will discuss at next meeting when new quotes are obtained.
Motion to maintain Garage 25 to be provided by board members only – all in favour, motion passed.
8) Meeting adjourned at 7:35
Next mtg: July 27 @ 5:30