Hayley Common Board Meeting Minutes
May 11 2023 - 7 pm
Present: Lori, Heather, Meaghan, Evan, Lynda, Brad & Brian
Call to order: Quorum confirmed, meeting start time 6:59pm
Previous minutes at AGM May 2, 2023 where new board members were motioned in were approved
Presidents Report
President: Brian
Vice President: Heather
Secretary: Meaghan/Lynda
Treasurer: Heather/Lynda
Parking: Evan
Member at large: Brad
Administration: Lori
Review of Duties
Rules Committee
New members to meet and discuss current rules - to be updated at later date.
SCU Bank statement comes out 15-20th of each month
Fiscal is July 1-June 30th - Financials run the first of each month and at various points in between
$3K shown as liability for rental levy (2)
Buildium log in on PC will now allow members to see more reports
Reminder sent out on the website regarding communications
Email sent out regarding board members and meeting information/minutes
**Motion held by Lynda for Lori to take action with renters levy, second by Meaghan, no opposed, motion passed**
**Motion held by Brian for Meaghan to be elected to the board, second by Lori, no opposed, motion passed**
*All docs saved on HC Board google drive / specific folders can be shared
Committee reports
All parking is to be done through the website: will accept cheque if necessary
No lot cleaning to take place this year
Sometime in the next couple weeks a quote will be done for the acrylic repairs. Estimating $5k.
Door repair to be discussed at next meeting, waiting on possible quote from company or discuss contract with handy man (Blaine – an owner’s brother)
Requested more info about experience & skills
Window/balcony cleaning to be done by picture perfect. Estimated under $3k – approx. date June 2023
Carpet cleaning to be done by chem cleaning. Estimated $2k – PENDING
Parking rail damage repair – estimated $400 materials – per J/Electrician
Water damage in units
XX – window leak in LR
XX /affects lower unit XX – cause/fridge water line leak
Water in garages – to be expected each spring & after rainfall
Underground water on site will come up thru flooring cracks/along walls
Manage with floor squeegee, raise garage door to help drying/vent
rail openings to greenspace are inconsistent widths, may need to move/trim posts for access
Requested tree quote to replace a couple and $$ for fill to raise low area
Freedom Fire inspection – in progress this week
**Motion by Lynda to hire Picture Perfect for window cleaning, second by Heather, no opposed, motion passed**
5) Old Business
-Communication to be sent out reminding residents to dispose of dog waste in the garbage bins, as well as the posted speed limit on the property, reminder for rate increase
6) New Business
-Lighting review: New quote to be completed, will discuss at next meeting.
7) Adjournment at 9:00pm.
Next Mtg: June 15th - garage XX, bring a chair, meet at 7pm