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Hayley Common


Board Meeting #25 - November 16, 2022

Hayley Common Board Meeting

November 16, 2022

Called to order: 7:08 pm

Present: Brian, Wayne, Lori Guest: Terry Thiessen, Northtowne

Motion: approve previous minutes from September 6th and October 10th – 1st: Wayne, 2nd: Lori

President’s Report:

● Audit

- The audit is currently still in process.

● Building/Northtowne

- Terry will let us know if there are changes in owner information so that we can update our email distribution list.

- Terry is going to look into updating our Buildium access to include garage/parking spot information as that is currently not available to the board members.


- The AGM will be held in the spring when the audit is complete.

Treasurer’s Report:

● Fee increases

- Condo fee increases will be on hold until the audit is finalized and the increases will be discussed at the AGM in the spring.

Committee Reports

· Parking

- Lori will get the website fixed so it has the correct etransfer email.

- An email will be sent out to all owners to get the renter contact information so they can be added to the email list. Notices will not be posted on the buildings when snow removal is being done as an email will be sent. Going forward, any vehicles left in the lot during the time the snow clearing is done will be towed at the owners expense.

New Business

· Book Lending Library

- An owner has offered to get a book lending library for Haley Commons and it was recommended that it be placed on the fence post near the garbage so all units will have easy access to it. This will be communicated back to the owner.

Next meeting: No date set

Concluded: 8:50 pm

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