Hayley Common Board Meeting
October 3, 2019
Called to order: 7:03pm
Present: Brian (Pres), Wayne (VP), Doug (Director), Marc (Treasurer), Lynda (Secretary)
Motion: approve minutes from Aug26 meeting – 1st: M, 2nd: D
Committee Report: landscaping, maintenance, social media (video call planned with MAL – RC, SR, LF, LJ & BF)
Old Business:
Unit X – Pure Clean Recovery & Restoration – coming to inspect and will updated Monday or Tuesday once he finishes inspection
Will bring high pressure pump
New Business:
Owner has a drone and has offered to take images for a full roof inspection - pending
Snow clearing quotes (incl some landscaping quotes) – 3 in total, VDM, SV, FL
need a few clarifying questions answered re: hauling
SV and VDM (snow only)
FL (snow & landscaping)
Board favours VDM at this time but will review all further
Northtowne/G advised they have a quote as well
Landscaping – VDM has requested to meet on site re: 12 mos care for our property
Social media – MAL working on prepping a FB page/website and will review with board to plan info to post such as Landscaping, financials, etc
Motion to set LJ as Board Admin for the Social Media MAL team – 1st: M, 2nd: W
MAL team: RC, SR & LF
Parking – W met with Northtown/G and asked for all info to be emailed/text to him
1 nite free/month
Missing some parking passes
Welcome wagon volunteers & stuff – items stored under the stairs in A (east) and C (east)
LM has volunteered to help
Duct Cleaning – dryer vents & furnace ducts/vent cleaning – B_ has shared a PowerVac quote for any interested owners (owner responsibility)
Maintenance Report:
Unit X, water leaks at the patio door, upper board – water is coming from above (unit X)
Bldg F intercom – have 1000’ cable – need to run the cable from electrical room through to the door for panel
Motion to pay for $300 cable – 1st: M, 2nd: L
Bldg E unit X - intercom issue
Less stucco repair expected so far for next year – Castel is booked for next May
Concrete cutting – need to look into options for managing various concrete issues on site
President’s Report:
Audit – s/b complete no later than Sept27
B contacted Auditors again and will follow up Oct 7th or 8th.
New board email – plan to be shared: hayleycommon2019@gmail.com – pw: XX
Each member has access
Treasurer’s Report:
M would like Northtowne Accountant/K to attend our next meeting to review Financials
All invoices paid once & correct
Cheques from Glass cleaning, courier, TCE & HF – ok’d
Charge from PL for $45.74 Aug8
Cheque rec’d – D will drop off at Northtowne to be applied to general revenue
Motion to approve Treasurer’s Report – 1st: L, 2nd: W
Next meeting: Oct24 Thurs @ 3:30pm
*items for next meeting – LJ, RC, SR, BF etc to meet about social media, FB, website, etc
Concluded: 9pm