Hayley Common Board Meeting
March 13, 2021
Called to order: 3:00pm
Present: Brian (Pres), Wayne (VP), Lynda (Secretary), Marc (Treasurer)
Absent: Gord Macpherson (Northtowne)
Motion: approve minutes from previous mtg – 1st: Brian, 2nd: Wayne
President’s Report:
landscaping - pots & plants (Dennis/MAL) looking at pricing
need to select a date/month to bring Dennis back to assist with above, shrubs, watering, etc
return Jun1 thru Sep
Motion: 1st Lynda/2nd Marc
check with VDM re: annual contract, waiting for update from Len
Treasurer’s Report:
Prior month financials – ok’d
Motion: approve – 1st Lynda, 2nd Wayne
Accounts Recievable - M getting K @ Northtowne to check what is owing
key issue/locksmith invoice - inquire solutions with Northtowne
Landscaping Report:
no updates
Maintenance Report:
M will check with (Ten-Ten) for another draining quote
waiting for quote from VDM for same
window cleaning quotes - some rec’d, including one from Picture Perfect (ok’d but need eavestrough cleaning removed)
missing 1 downspout extension 90 degree piece on building E
cement cutting in lot
common area lights, B re-wired, replacing the photo sensor if that works, if not the unit will need replaced
6 more lights/lenses in storage
East door/Bldg B wouldn’t lock/resolved
owner’s looking to repair unit flooring - contact name: Shawn Duxbury 204-941-3221
acrylic repair - damage between 9 & 10
survey feedback appreciated, positive overall with some suggestions/ideas
eaves repair approved to be completed by Kublick Eaves (Damon Peters)
Parking Report:
available rent or for sale parking spaces - contact Gord, he can then provide available parking spaces to Wayne & Lynda which can then be posted on FB
posted Rules & Regs need updated to show 10PM (currently shows 12PM)
Social Media:
will post updates on website (minutes & monthly financials) and an update post on FB
Social media: minutes will all be generalized and posted as blog posts on our Hayley Common website: https://hayleycommon.webstarts.com
Old Business:
audit new renters, new deposits
New Business:
community ideas/suggestions - community garden, dog bath
will continue to monitor opportunity to schedule ABM once permitted by MB Health
Next meeting: TBD - tentatively April @ garage weather permitting
Concluded: 4:00pm