Hayley Common Board Meeting
February 5, 2020
Called to order: 3:04pm
Present: Brian (Pres), Wayne (VP), Doug (Director), Marc (Treasurer), Lynda (Secretary), Gord Macpherson (Northtowne) - Dennis Buzahora (MAL, joined briefly @ 4pm re: landscaping)
Motion: approve minutes from Jan8 meeting – 1st: M, 2nd: W
President’s Report:
Audit Approval – approved/shared
Haven’t rec’d invoiced yet – B will follow up again
Cleaning & General Maintenance (ie: lights) – no current contract or outline of duties, services provided by A – needs reviewed, may consider alternatives/change
Would also love volunteers to help with maintenance
Treasurer’s Report:
No issues with prior month statement – reviewed
1 NSF, noticeable increase in monthly hydro costs due to cold snap
Motion to approve: 1st: L, 2nd W
Maintenance Report:
Building hallways/stairwells need repainted/freshed up this year – need quotes
Request to spread more gravel around lot to help with ice
Proposal to have DB (MAL) assist with watering & shrub trimming in 2020, etc.
Motion: Board/all in favour
DB noted: a couple trees showed signs of failing in the fall & may not make it/may need to be replaced & some are covered by warranty
Spring carpet cleaning (after spring lot sweeping) = get quotes
Broken fence/post – will be fixed (along driveway)
One garage access issue - resolved
New Business:
Garage swap requests – need paperwork to document any changes – coordinate with Northtowne as needed
Painting quotes for indoor common areas will be forthcoming
Notes from Gord/Northtowne – re: insurance – renewal is due in August & G has already reached out to insurance providers including Marsh Canada – gathered the condo info to collect quotes – also contacted MIG & Wyatt Dowling (waiting for a quote) – some other providers contacted are already involved and a few others who cannot quote due to being too small
Parking Report:
Temp parking spot swap coordinated for injured owner
1 resident requesting a parking spot closer to the door – encouraged to ask other neighbours if someone may be willing to swap
Continuing to manage tags
Old Business:
Dog barking complaints – seems to be addressed, will monitor
Social media – website released & FB remains active – still need to get RC to do updates or training for the website and get SR to do a feature sheet – also checking with RC if others may be able to access and assist with website updates so a local may be more readily able to assist – suggestion remains to post monthly minutes on the website
Next meeting: Mar/2020, 3pm
Concluded: 5:05pm