Wednesday, December 13, 2023
5:00 pm
Unit 73, Building E
PRESENT: Lynda, Evan, Heather, Lynda, Lori, Ken, Kevin
MAL – Maneesha, Kristen, Sara, Brad
Terry, Northtowne
Meeting called to order at 5:05 pm.
Review of Previous Minutes
President/Treasurer’s Report
Monthly Financials – No concerns with Octobers financials. There was a question about a snow removal invoice that was paid in September for the previous winter but after follow up was determined to proceed with payment.
Communication with Northtowne – Terry will email all board members with concerns instead of just Heather. The board member that responds to the email will reply all so there is no miscommunication. Heather to send Terry list of emails.
Terry raised the question about Wm Dyck invoices – they are currently coming straight to Northtowne and don’t have board approval. Terry will follow up with Wm Dyck and request that invoices are sent to Hayley common email for approval instead of directly to Northtowne.
Discussion with Terry about snow communication. Terry will send out emails to owners regarding snow. We will post signs on the doors and update Facebook and the website. Kris will make signs and laminated them and Lynda will send him sample posters for wording.
Discussion with Terry about recurring water issue in Building B. Discussion about using VOIP system to fan out emergency calls to all board members. Cost is minimal but Kevin will get updated costing information and forward to all board members. Board members were in support of using this system.
Budget vs actual – Terry recommended that he can provide this information quarterly. Board members support this.
Committee Reports
Four people used visitor parking spots overnight in November
The black beetle (LBY266) has been banned from the lot for one year – owner has been notified by emails and voicemails.
Parking emails will be sent to all board members going forward so everyone can assist with monitoring – Lori will look into changing this directly on the back end of the website.
Updating parking costs/system will be reviewed at the January meeting.
Evan brought forward the suggestion of moving visitor spots to a consistent location throughout the parking lot. This has been done previously and also has lots of legal ramifications so the board will not proceed with changing any spots.
In November, $661 was spent on purchasing sand/salt for all of the entrances and near the garbage can.
Only one quote has been received so far for repainting the inside of the buildings. Two more companies have been contacted and still waiting on their quotes.
Asphalt – one quote was received from Superior Paving. Was only valid for 7 days so will have to requote in the spring as the work can’t be done until then. It was suggested we contact Maple Leaf for another quote as other companies contacted did not respond. Recommended that we get a speed bump on the main road near building A and building D.
Evan reached out to three companies for quotes on the roof for the long-term plan and as well eavestrough companies as some are missing the brackets.
Evan recommended that we clean out the areas under the stairs as there are a lot of items stored under there that don’t belong. Looking for volunteers to assist.
Evan recommended that we properly set up the sinks under the stairs or remove them if not necessary. It was agreed there wasn’t value in these repairs so they will remain as is.
Old Business
We only received 12 – 14 responses about issues with intercoms. Heather will create a summary and will follow up with the company to see what they recommend as a solution. It was brought forward that some of the buzzers are very quiet so people don’t know that the buzzer is working unless you try the door. This could potentially be some of the issues.
Keys for Board members/Members at Large and lock box – it was suggested that the keys be placed in a safe in the garage so that it was more secure than a lock box outside. Board members agreed.
Efficiency Manitoba
Brad reapplied to Efficiency Manitoba as the program has changed and they are approving dusk to dawn lights. He applied to purchase 12 lights and will be installing in Building G as a trial. Brad will email Terry for the Manitoba Hydro number.
New Business
Personal Items in Hallway – This continues to be an issue as some items have not been removed and the deadline was December 10. Board members will review their buildings and send to Heather who will forward to Terry. Terry will send an email to the unit owners with a new deadline and let them know about a fine is still not removed.
Rules/Regulations – will be reviewed in January.
Ken and Kevin were voted in as members of the board. Heather to email Terry their names and information and he will add them to Buildium.
Smoking in Units – Deferred until January. As per Terry we would need 60% quorum at the AGM and then 51% would have to vote in favor of banning smoking in the units to proceed.
Round Table
There are a few areas on the website where the email to Terry actually sends an email to Gord. Lori will review and correct.
Question was raised by Khristine about the amount of the reserve fund. This should be requested at the time of purchase by the lawyer. This is also shared at the AGM yearly.
Question was raised to Terry about assistance with long term planning. Terry indicated that in the Reserve Fund Study there is considerable information about long term planning. This will be reviewed and discussed further in the new year.
Kevin brought up the lack of wood chips in front of the buildings and the water issues. Planning to do some of this work in the summer. Potentially may be able to do river rock if the price is still consistent with the wood chips. It was recommended we only paint inside of buildings if it is really needed and do some of the landscape work as a higher priority.
Meeting adjourned at 6:50 PM.