Hayley Common Board Meeting
September 18, 2023 6:30pm
Unit 90
1. Call to order: Quorum validated 6:40pm – Evan, Meaghan, Lynda, Lori, Heather
2. Review of previous minutes:
a. Agreed on previous minutes, need to be posted
3. Presidents/treasurer’s report
a. Monthly financials:
Have been looked over, everything looks good (June July August)
b. Communications (now done through North Towne):
Will discuss with property manager at Northtowne (1-2 business days) with time stamp or knowledge of receipt.
c. Recruiting new board members (ideas)
Looking at putting up papers with information for recruiting people interested in joining the board – post it to website and to the facebook page
4. Committee reports
a. Parking:
Red truck caught parking overnight one time – to be monitored going forward
b. Maintenance
Stucco went well, looks like job well done – had a patch job done for one resident
May have to do one last trim of the bushes with the lawn care company
Discuss with lawn maintenance person about cutting the grass in different direction
Three trees that may need to be removed in the coming year due to rot – look into getting new trees next year in the spring approx. $120-150 (Tartarian armour maple)
Budget for $750-$1000 for trees bushes and mulch in the spring of 2024
5. Old Business
a. Maintenance/contract review
b. Stucco repairs
Good rapport with the stucco guy
Look for new options next year
c. Eaves repairs
Andrew from Trudel roofing: communicated with him have not heard back yet. If a lift is needed to repair the light he will let us know. Estimated $300-$400 to reattach the eaves. Will confirm price and ability to do the light or not.
Jeremy Clark electrician to look at electrical work on the west side of building F
d. Carpet cleaning
Went well – company left rugs outside of the building
e. Updating and renew the cleaning contract as of November 1, 2023
6. New Business
a. New parking system for online booking
Future increase in monthly parking $ (possible $100-$150)
No more cancellations allowed for nightly parking
No more accepting of cheques
Must be done through website
b. Long term project planner
Building X unit X: Glen if interested to email Terry with his interest and then Terry would talk to us.
c. Emails from website (need to keep this feature?)
All agree that Terry will be in charge of mass emails and communication.
Come winter – add notices to buildings to inform people to keep an eye out on the website or facebook page for snow removal notices.
New owners being updated by Terry
d. More quotes for the intercoms in the near future. Have quotes by November meeting.
7. Meeting adjournment – 7:55hrs