Hayley Common Board Meeting
October 10, 2022
Called to order: 7:05 pm
Present: Brian, Wayne, Lori, Brad
Review of Previous Minutes: Deferred
President’s, Treasurer’s & Maintenance Report:
We have not received the results of the Audit yet as Northtowne has not sent the auditor the information they required.
There were 4 people who were double-charged when Buildium was rolled out October 1st. Northtowne is resolving the double charges.
The AGM will be scheduled as soon as we get the results of the audit.
Financials for last month are not available yet for review.
The condo fee increase will be discussed at the next meeting when financials are up to date.
Committee Reports:
No issues.
We will be changing the cleaning company for the common areas to Mekayla’s Cleaning Service effective November 1, 2022.
Motion to approve: Lori (1st), Wayne (2nd), all in favour
Brian will notify Northtowne to notify current incumbent.
Old Business:
Lori is following up with Northtowne regarding the rental levy. Once information is received from them, we will notify all landlords regarding the rental levy as they bring in new tenants.
Unit X is now in foreclosure and the locks have been changed.
New Business:
Brad Refvik joined the committee as a voting member.
Motion to approve: Wayne (1st), Lori (2nd), all in favour
The new website is ready to roll out. Lori will send out an email and post notices on all the buildings with information.
Next meeting: To be determined.
Concluded: 8:15 PM