Please ensure if you are smoking indoors (cigarettes, cannabis, etc) that you take all necessary measures to ensure both the smell and smoke do not waft into the hallways/common areas of your building (which can then enter other units). These measures could include an air purifier in your unit to reduce the smoke and smell, blocking off the bottom of your entrance doorway to ensure the smoke and smell do not enter the hallways, or simply by smoking outdoors on your patio/balcony as a courtesy to your fellow Hayley Common residents.
Additionally, it has been noted that some people are leaving items in the hallways which don’t belong there. As a reminder, nothing should be left in the hallways that could be hazards. Please do not leave bikes, strollers, garbage, items from your unit or storage units, or other random personal effects in the hallways or common areas at any time. Shoe racks, benches or plant stands are acceptable as long as they don’t impede hallways or exits and are tasteful and kept clean and maintained.
Thank you.