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Hayley Common


Going Into the Winter Season

This is a mass update from your BOD going into the winter season. 

• Please do not turn the hallway heaters up more than halfway. Reason being is if turned up too high it gets too hot and the electricity bill will skyrocket which may cause our condo fees to be increased if too high. Indoor pipes will not freeze unless the temp gets below freezing.


• Reminder to dog owners that just because winter is here doesn’t mean they don’t need to pick up after their dogs. No one wants to step in doggy land mines and it looks very unsightly.  People do see and people do let the board know who is not picking up. 


•  No owner or resident is permitted to park in any visitor spot.


• The no parking areas in front of each door is to be kept clear no parking is allowed there at all.

• If you see some downspouts down when it starts snowing please do put them up if possible. 


A friendly reminder that we are all owners here. If you see something that’s wrong or needs to be fixed, please ensure you take initiative to help out where possible or let us know. Your condo board is made up of volunteers and do as much as possible but any help is appreciated.

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